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Enhanced Search for Jira

Find more. Search less. The Jira search you always wanted.
Person searching Jira with a magnifying glass

Getting started with Enhanced Search

A video guide to getting going with Enhanced Search for Jira.
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Greater search precision
Take search relevance to a new level with Enhanced JQL Functions and Keywords not available in native Jira
Illustration of a lightning bolt
Power up your filters
Use Enhanced JQL Filters to make more of your Kanban boards, reports and dashboards
Illustration of a stop watch
Easy query builder
Easily and quickly build complex Enhanced JQL Functions without having to remember syntax

Find more, search less

Try Enhanced Search for Jira for free today

Dozens of new functions and keywords

Get access to a wide variety of functions that extend your search capabilities, letting you find what you want - and only what you want - faster.

Enhanced Search for Jira functions:

  • dateCompare()
  • parentsOf()
  • subtasksOf()
  • issuesInEpics()
  • inSprint()
  • issueFieldMatch()
  • and many more!

Enhanced Search for Jira keywords:

  • numberOfSubtasks
  • numberOfAttachments
  • numberOfLinks
  • lastCommentedDate
  • commentedBy
  • attachmentType
  • and many more!

Find issues that took longer to complete than estimated

As a project manager, you want to find out which issues took longer to complete than their estimated completion date, which is stored as a date in a custom field. The dateCompare() Enhanced JQL Function makes it possible to compare dates stored in an issue, even if they are stored in custom fields. You can even add date offsets.
dateCompare("project = Search", "resolutionDate > estComplDate")
(where estComplDate is a custom field)
Illustration of a Jira board

Find epics with stories that are currently being worked on

As a scrum master, you want to see all of the epics with stories that your team is currently working on, i.e. epics that have stories that were started but haven't been finished. The epicsOf() Enhanced JQL Function returns the epics linked to the result of a subquery of your choice.
epicsOf(issuetype ="Story" AND status in ("In Progress", "In Review"))
A colourful illustration of a Jira issue

Find issues in your project that duplicate other work

As a QA analyst, you want to see how a bug and all of its direct and indirect relatives affect your product. The linkedIssuesRecursive() Enhanced JQL Function returns the entire issue chain in a single search.
Illustration of Jira board

Sample pricing

The intervals shown below are not exhaustive and are intended to give an indication of the price for your organisation and how ScriptRunner scales for growing teams.
To see an exhaustive breakdown of pricing by user tier, please click through to the Atlassian marketplace.
UsersPrice (USD)
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Get your full-feature trial from the Atlassian Marketplace today to start automating, customising, and extending Jira to truly fit your organisation.

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