Jess Thompson
14 May 2024
Leaping into the future with ScriptRunner
How do you balance current responsibilities and the relentless call of the future? Our answer? Build a playground.
It's an exciting time to be involved in tech, with leaps being made daily in the development of solutions that address the challenges of the modern workplace.
Certain technologies, such as AI, have created a paradigm shift and have changed this landscape forever. For some, this is a time of trailblazing excitement, and for others, it's a time of uncertainty around tools that are unproven.
This split is something we've thought long and hard on here at ScriptRunner.
Since automation clearly falls into the category of a changemaking technology, how could we push the boundaries of what's possible without risking the stability of our customers' working environments?
We debated, deliberated, dabbled.
Our responsibility to you is something we take seriously. ScriptRunner tools support mission criticals across banking, healthcare, and other industries with very little margin for error. How could we uphold that core part of who we are–a highly reliable partner–without closing ourselves (and therefore you) off to the possibility of new, game-changing innovations?
We knew we wanted to get the newest innovations into your hands as soon as possible, so here's the answer we came up with.
Introducing ScriptRunner Leap
ScriptRunner Leap is a new brand from the brains that brought you ScriptRunner.
It's where we'll be channelling our creative energy into chasing the "What if…" and "Could we…" conversations that might just change the world we work in. We're empowering our teams to set aside the space to chase the seed of an idea that might just be something. And that something? It might just make your life a little easier.
That's what we're shooting for.
That's why we're being purposeful in building this playground for innovation and exploration, a place where we can push the boundaries of what’s possible together. We're embracing new technologies and experimenting with what they can do for you.
In ringfencing this dedicated space, we hope to create your future favourite tools without risking the reliability and stability of the ScriptRunner products that you already know and love. ScriptRunner Leap ideas may grow up and graduate into the main ScriptRunner suite, but only the ones that are ready will make that …leap.
Terrible puns aside: tl;dr? Look out for the Leap logo to help you understand when a product or feature is experimental. You can play with us right now, or observe until you're ready to jump in!
Get your hands on the future, now
Several tools are already available underneath the ScriptRunner Leap banner, including an AI for Jira Query Language and another for Jira Expressions.
Go check them out now!
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