Jess Thompson
18 May 2022

Rewriting ScriptRunner Server scripts for migration
Not sure if you need to rewrite your ScriptRunner scripts when migrating away from Server? Or how to approach it? This guide has the answers.
We passed another of Atlassian’s end of Server milestones earlier this year, bringing us ever-closer to the final deadline for the end of Server support. The ScriptRunner team have hosted a number of webinars to help users with planning their migrations away from Server (whether they are headed to cloud or to Data Center), but today we wanted to spotlight one of the most common questions that we get when it comes to migration: scripts.
Do I need to rewrite my ScriptRunner scripts when we leave Jira Server?
This depends. If you’re headed to Data Center, you may need to make some adjustments to your scripts to accommodate multi-node set up, but largely, your scripts will remain unchanged. If you’re going to single-node Data Center, your scripts should translate directly across with no trouble.
If you’re headed to cloud, then you will need to do some reworking of scripts for cloud compatibility. ScriptRunner for Jira Server scripts will not work automatically on Jira cloud.
Is rewriting scripts for Jira cloud necessary?
Technologically speaking, this is necessary due to differences in the feature implementation on each platform and the Atlassian APIs that are available for ScriptRunner to leverage for your customisations. Read more about platform differences. A lot of what you need is still available, just in a slightly different way with different APIs.
From a value point of view, however, you may not want to bring everything with you. Think of it like moving house. You may not need everything you’ve had stashed in the attic. Our first recommendation would be to take stock of what you have and assess the value of each customisation and automation. That way, you’re only reworking the things you really need for cloud.
Look at each ScriptRunner feature in turn to get a list of customisations to start making these assessments: read our step-by-step guide.
How do I rewrite ScriptRunner scripts for Jira cloud?
For those of you who are headed to cloud or who need to understand what that might entail, we’ve created an extensive guide in our Documentation to make it as easy as possible to tackle the task of script rewriting. Many of these principles apply for Confluence, but the APIs will differ, so keep that in mind.
What if it turns out that I have a lot of scripts to rewrite?
If you’re time-bound when it comes to your migration and have a lot of scripts that need to be prepared for cloud, our Scripting Service can help. This is quoted up front and pay-by-the-hour to help you budget clearly for your migration preparations.
Not sure where you’re headed next for migration?
If you’re still exploring your options when it comes to alternatives for Atlassian Server, the following resources might help.
- This blog lays out some of the detail clearly. Cloud may not be the best option for you. Data Center , or even a hybrid hosting model, may work better for your organisation.
- There are more FAQs about plugin migrations available in the Adaptavist Plugin Migration Hub.
- Watch the webinar recording in our migration section for an overview of the differences between ScriptRunner for Jira cloud and ScriptRunner for Jira Data Center.
Ready for Cloud?
If you’re definitely headed to cloud and ready to start exploring, why not kick off a free trial of ScriptRunner today?