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New search auto-completions

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Nitin Chand
11th March, 2024
Read in 1 min

Find what you are actually looking for within Confluence with ScriptRunner's new search auto-completions.

Who has time to look up CQL query syntax on Atlassian documentation?
We thought so too.
Get accurate search results in Confluence faster and easier than ever with the latest improvements to ScriptRunner Enhanced Search.
We’ve added auto-completion, smart contextual filters, and validation to help you create specific searches in seconds.
Now, as you begin typing, suggestions will appear for the full list of CQL fields, functions, keywords and operators. Content suggestions such as page titles and space names will also appear.
The full list of feature improvements includes:
  • Autocompletion of all native CQL fields, functions, operators and keywords.
  • Autocompletion for ScriptRunner custom search fields.
  • Autocompletion of content.
  • Smart contextual filtering to show or hide suggestions based on what you type and any previous selections.
  • Visual indicator of query validation (a green check shows if the query syntax is correct).

Want to share the good news with your users?

Since all users of your Confluence instance have access to Enhanced Search and can now benefit from this autocompletion magic, why not share this simple, beginner-friendly how-to guide and a 'Top 10 most useful CQL queries' cheat sheet to get them started?
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