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Vendors API

Verity Blake
Verity Blake
19th February, 2024
Read in 1 min

A new API which makes the custom fields from your favourite Atlassian Marketplace apps compatible with our Behaviours feature.

A new API which makes the custom fields from your favourite Atlassian Marketplace apps compatible with our Behaviours feature. This means that, as a Jira user, you can use Behaviours to perform the following actions on custom fields created by participating third-party Jira apps:
  • Set field values
  • Get field values
  • Make fields writable or read-only
  • Monitor fields for changes
  • Automatically update set list values when new options are added
You'll be able to manipulate these fields and incorporate them into your Behaviours setup as though they were standard Jira custom fields.
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Atlassian app creators:

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