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Write code like a pro with the new AI Assistant!

A photograph of Richard Birks, Senior Product Marketing Manager for ScriptRunner Connect
Rich Birks
28 January 2025
Read in 2 min

Generate scripts, learn the product's full capabilities and find relevant out-of-the-box use case templates.

Write code like a pro!
The primary purpose of the AI assistant is to help you write code by submitting questions or prompts related to your integration needs. Based on the ChatGPT 4o model, it’s specifically trained with the API surface of the ScriptRunner Connect runtime and its managed APIs to provide a similar experience of other LLM-based chatbots, like ChatGPT, with the accuracy of a product-specific knowledge base.

Ask product-related questions and search for templates
The AI assistant has been trained on the platform's documentation which gives you a fast and easy way to learn about the different features and what's possible in the platform. Answers will return a link to the relevant docs page to assist additional learning. The AI assistant has also been trained on the templates, so you can ask it to find the most relevant template for your use case to get started more quickly!
Monthly use and credit system
The AI assistant's use is available through monthly credit allocation. Each question you ask the assistant consumes a single credit and your credits fully renew at the beginning of each monthly payment cycle. The number of credits start at 100 under the free plan and increase to 1000 under the paid plans.
Chat history
The AI assistant has been updated to include a Chat history option. This option lets you see previous interactions with the AI assistant across sessions, browsers, and users. 
Chat history will remain available when accessed via anonymous browsers and even when the system crashes. You may also delete your chat history manually if desired.
Explain code
The AI assistant helps you to understand a section of code. Simply highlight the relevant section with your cursor and select the 'AI Explain Code' option after a right-click in the same area. This will open a new window where our AI assistant will be prompted to provide the context for your highlighted section of code.
Explain error
In a similar way, the AI assistant helps you resolve errors in the console to help you understand the context and specific error message. You'll be able to send or omit the relevant code with the error message when prompted to use this feature.
The new AI Assistant in action
A GIF showing how users can use the AI assistant to help with creating code in ScriptRunner Connect

See Release Notes

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