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Choose the right API by vendor with API Versions

A photograph of Richard Birks, Senior Product Marketing Manager for ScriptRunner Connect
Rich Birks
5 June 2024
Read in 2 min

API Versions allows you to select which base API version you would like to consume by vendor via our Managed APIs.

This is currently enabled for Confluence Cloud and Connectors. You can use multiple versions in your workspace if you need, simply create multiple API Connections with different base versions.
Confluence Cloud is in the process of deprecating V1 of their APIs and replace it with V2, but until V1 is fully deprecated we now offer the option for you to select which base version you would like to use. All existing workspaces will default to V1. We recommend V2 if you can, but V2 still does not have feature parity, and should you not find the method in V2, have a look if it does exist in V1. has a very fast API version release cadence, they release a new version every quarter, which means that their APIs are in a constant flux of change. Previously, we supported all versions under a single Managed API by using an HTTP header to select which version you would like to target, but to make it easier to work with their APIs we have now split up our Managed APIs based on their versions. We will always offer the stable version (marked as recommended), preview version and older deprecated versions. Also, the current version that you use will remain in place under the name Classic which all existing workspaces will default to, but you should regularly check in on workspaces to make sure you don’t get stuck on the deprecated and eventually removed API versions.
A PNG image showing how a user can select the right API version in the ScriptRunner Connect platform

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